Team Events

Rx Plus I Rx I Scaled


Team Event 1


Team Event 1 - TE1

Time Cap: 26 minutes

For time: 

Male Pair

3 Rounds 

Rope Climbs (Rx Plus: 8 / Rx: 7 / Scaled: 6)

40 DB Bench Press (Rx Plus: 50 lbs / Rx: 50 lbs / Scaled: 35 lbs)

Team Trail Run - All 4 teammates

Female Pair

3 Rounds 

Rope Climbs (Rx Plus: 8 / Rx: 7 / Scaled: 6)

30 DB Bench Press (Rx Plus: 35 lbs / Rx: 35 lbs / Scaled: 20 lbs)


This workout is for time. Prior to the start of the workout, all four Athletes will be positioned on the start mat.  At the call of “3,2,1…Go!” both male Athletes will work to complete a prescribed number of Rope Climbs (Rx Plus = 8, Rx = 7, Scaled = 6), breaking up the work how they choose. After completing the Rope Climbs, both Male athletes will move to the bench to complete 40 DB Bench Press, once again breaking up the work between the male pair however they choose. The male Athletes will complete this couplet of Rope Climbs and Bench Press 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds. After completing 3 rounds of the couplet, the male Athletes will join the female Athletes on the start mat to begin the Trail Run. Once all teammates have returned from the Trail Run, the male athletes will remain on the start mat while the female Athletes work to complete 3 rounds of their prescribed number of Rope Climbs (Rx Plus = 8, Rx = 7, Scaled = 6) and 30 DB Bench Press, once again breaking up the Rope Climbs and Bench Press however the female pair choose. Once the female Athletes have completed 3 rounds of their couplet, all four teammates will move to the finish mat signaling completion of the workout. 

The score for this workout will be the time of completion or number of reps accumulated prior to the time cap. The tiebreaker is the time it takes all 4 athletes to complete the team run.

Movement Standards

Rope Climb

This is a standard rope climb to 15 feet. Athletes may use legs to assist with the ascent. Athletes may also perform legless rope climbs if they prefer. The rep is credited when one hand clearly touches the crossbeam above the rope.

Dumbbell Bench Press

The Dumbbells begin on the ground. Once the Athlete has secured the Dumbbells and is laying on the bench, both feet must remain on the ground with butt in contact with the bench throughout the entire rep. The rep begins with the Athlete laying flat on the bench with both feet on the ground and Dumbbells touching the chest. The rep is credited when the elbows are locked out and the arms are at full extension directly over top of the chest. No assistance is permitted in achieving the bottom or top position, and no assistance is permitted in getting the Dumbbells to the starting position. 

Trail Run

This is a run course that will be clearly marked. Athletes must remain on the course for the duration of the run. Any deviation from the marked course is not permitted. Athletes are not required to run together. All Athletes must have completed the run in order to complete the switch or advance to the finish mat. 

Team Event 2


Team Event 2 - TE2

Time Cap: 16 minutes

For max reps: 

0:00 - 6:00

Each Female athlete will perform Cleans at each designated weight.

5 reps at Weight 1

4 reps at Weight 2

3 reps at Weight 3

2 reps at Weight 4

Max reps at Weight 5

6:00 - 10:00 


10:00 - 16:00 

Each Male athlete will perform Cleans at each designated weight. 

5 reps at Weight 1

4 reps at Weight 2

3 reps at Weight 3

2 reps at Weight 4

Max reps at Weight 5


Rx Plus: 125-135-155-165-185 lbs

Rx: 95-115-125-135-155 lbs 

Scaled: 65-75-95-105-125 lbs


Rx Plus: 185-205-225-245-275 lbs

Rx: 135-165-185-205-225 lbs

Scaled: 95-115-135-155-185 lbs


This workout is for total reps. During each workout window, only one Athlete will be on the field of play accumulating reps on the barbell. The non-working Athlete must remain on the start mat until released onto the field of play. This release occurs when A) The working Athlete has accumulated all of the required reps and returned to the start mat to tag in their partner. B) The working Athlete cannot or will not perform any more reps at any of the prescribed weights and crosses onto the finish mat. At any point during the workout window, once an Athlete has crossed onto the finish mat, this signals the end of their workout and they can no longer return to the field of play. The Female athletes will work during the first 6:00 minute window, there will be a 4:00 minute transition period, then the Male athletes will work in the second 6:00 minute window. All athletes will begin this workout on the start mat. At the call of “3,2,1…Go!” The first Female Athlete will move to the barbell to perform 5 Cleans at Weight 1. She will then return to the start mat and tag her partner which will release the second Female Athlete to perform 5 Cleans at Weight 1. The second Female Athlete will load Weight 2 onto the barbell prior to returning to the start mat and tag her partner. The first Female Athlete will then return to the competition floor to complete 4 Cleans at Weight 2, followed by the second Female Athlete completing 4 Cleans at Weight 2 (who will again load the barbell before returning to the start mat). Athletes will continue in this pattern for 3 reps and 2 reps as the prescribed weights. At the final weight the athletes will perform max reps at that barbell. After the 4:00 Transition, the Male Athlete will follow the same format, performing 5 reps each at Weight 1, 4 reps each at Weight 2, etc. Only one Athlete will be on the competition floor accumulating reps. The non-working Athlete must remain on the start mat until released onto the field of play. This release occurs when the working Athlete returns to the start mat to tag their partner in or when the Athlete crosses onto the finish mat, signaling the end of their individual effort. 

The score for this workout will be the total reps completed by all team members. There is no tiebreaker.

Barbell Loading

The Athlete will be responsible for changing workout weights during their respective workout windows. Your lane judge will confirm that you have the correct weight on your barbell but will not assist with the changing of weights. A barbell is deemed properly loaded when the correct weight is on the barbell and all plates are securely fastened inside of the collars/clips.

Continuation of Play

If an Athlete fails to complete any of the required reps at Weights 1-4 and chooses to remove themselves from the competition floor, the Athlete will wait at the finish line for the remainder of the event. The individual portion of the workout is complete and they may not return to the field of play. In the event an Athlete fails to complete all required reps at Weights 1-4, they will receive a credit for the number of reps they completed up to that point.During the max reps portion at Weight 5, once Athlete 1 (assuming both made it that far) finishes as many reps as they intend to do, they will proceed to the finish mat, releasing Athlete 2. Athlete 1 may not enter back into the field of play and their workout is over. 

Movement Standards


This is a standard Clean. The barbell begins on the ground. The rep is complete when the Athlete’s hips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders in the front rack position with the elbows in front of the bar. Power Cleans, Squat Cleans, and Split Cleans are permitted. Hang Cleans are not permitted. Touch and go is permitted, but bouncing the barbell in between reps is not.

Team Event 3


Team Event 3 - TE3

Time Cap: 18 minutes

For time: 

M/F Pair 1 (Finish to Start Mat) 

120 ft. Double DB Mixed Carry (Rx Plus) / DB Front Rack Lunges (Rx/Scaled)

35/25/15 Synchro T2B 

50 Synchro Wall Ball Shots 

35/25/15 Synchro T2B

Directly into…

M/F Pair 2 (Start to Finish Mat) 

35/25/15 Synchro T2B 

50 Synchro Wall Ball Shots 

35/25/15 Synchro T2B 

120 ft. Double DB Mixed Carry (Rx Plus) / DB Front Rack Lunges (Rx/Scaled)

Rx Plus

Dumbbells: 50/35 lbs

Toes to Bar: 35

Wall Balls: 30/20 lbs


Dumbbells: 50/35 lbs

Toes to Bar: 25

Wall Balls: 20/14 lbs


Dumbbells: 35/20 lbs

Toes to Bar: 15

Wall Balls: 20/14 lbs


This workout is for time. One male/female pair will begin on one end of the competition floor and the other male female pair will begin on the other end of the competition floor. Only one pair of Athletes will be working at a time. At the call of “3,2,1…Go!” The first male/female pair will enter the field of play to accumulate 120 feet of Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges. This movement does not have to be synchronized, but each Athlete must complete their own 120 foot distance independently. Once both partners have crossed the line, they will transition to the pull-up bar to complete Synchronized Toes to Bar Reps (Rx Plus: 35 / Rx: 25 / Scaled: 15). After completing the Toes to Bar, they will then perform 50 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots, followed by another Synchronized Toes to Bar Reps (Rx Plus: 35 / Rx: 25 / Scaled: 15). Once the first male/female pair have completed their work requirements, they will move to the finish mat which will signal the release of the second male/female pair. The second male/female pair will perform Synchronized Toes to Bar Reps (Rx Plus: 35 / Rx: 25 / Scaled: 15), 50 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots, then another Synchronized Toes to Bar Reps (Rx Plus: 35 / Rx: 25 / Scaled: 15 ), then finish with 120 foot Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges. Once again, the lunges do not have to be synchronized. The workout is complete when the second male/female pair crosses the finish line on the finish mat. 

The score is the time to complete the workout or the reps completed at the time cap. The tiebreaker is the time after the first pair finishes.

Double Dumbbell Mixed Carry Walking Lunge - Rx Plus

The trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each lunge before returning to full hip and leg extension. The Athlete must alternate which foot leads for each rep. The rep is credited when the feet are together and the hips and legs are fully extended. For the Mixed Grip, one dumbbell will be held in the front rack position while the other dumbbell will be held in the overhead position. Athletes may switch arm positions while accumulating the required distance, but must do so at the top of the repetition, with their hips and legs at full extension. 

For the dumbbell in the front rack position, one dumbbell must remain at the shoulders. A full grip around the handle of the dumbbell must be maintained for the duration of the lunge. Resting the head of the dumbbell on the shoulders is allowed. Resting the handle of the dumbbell or the hands directly on the shoulder is NOT allowed. Releasing the grip on the handle and letting the dumbbell rest solely on the shoulder is NOT allowed.

For the dumbbell in the overhead position, one dumbbell must remain in the overhead position, with the arm at full extension and in line with the Athlete’s head. A full grip around the handle of the dumbbell must be maintained for the duration of the lunge. Resting the head of the dumbbell in the hand is NOT allowed. 

Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge - Rx and Scaled

The trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each lunge before returning to full hip and leg extension. The Athlete must alternate which foot leads for each rep. The rep is credited when the feet are together and the hips and legs are fully extended.

The dumbbells must remain at the shoulders. A full grip around the handle of the dumbbell must be maintained for theduration of the lunge. Resting the head of the dumbbells on the shoulders is allowed. Resting the handle of the dumbbell or the hands directly on the shoulder is NOT allowed. Releasing the grip on the handle and letting the dumbbell rest solely on the shoulder is NOT allowed. The Athlete must reach the finish position of a repetition before lowering the dumbbells from the shoulders. A no rep will result in the offending athlete being sent back to the last completed 5’ section.

Synchronized Toes to Bar

In the Toes-to-Bar, the Athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended with the feet off the ground. Overhand, underhand, and mixed grip are permitted. The rep is credited when both feet make contact with the bar inside the Athlete’s hands. Both feet must contact the bar at the same time. On the ensuing repetition, the feet must be brought back behind the bar. Synchronization occurs at the top of the movement when both Athletes’ feet have contacted the bar at the same time. 

Synchronized Wall Ball Shots

In the Wall Ball Shot, the ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the target, the rep will not be credited. If the ball is not caught between reps, it must come to a full stop on the ground. Bouncing the ball off the floor is not permitted. Synchronization occurs at the bottom of the movement, when both Athletes are at the bottom of a squat, with the hip crease below the knee.