Team Events

Check out the team events for the Main Event.

Train with your teammates and make sure you select the appropriate division.

Team Event 1 - OG


Presented by Rogue Fitness

Location: Platform Stage

Part A (0:00 - 8:00)

8 Minute to Find - Males

1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean and Jerk


8:00 - 9:00

Part B (9:00 - 17:00)

8 Minute to Find - Females

1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean and Jerk


The score is for total load.

The time cap is 17 minutes.

This event contains two separate scores:

Part A (50 points) - Total of heaviest Male Snatch + Male Clean & Jerk

Part B (50 points) - Total of heaviest Female Snatch + Female Clean & Jerk


Part A (0:00 - 8:00)

All athletes will begin behind their starting line. At the sound of the beep, the male athletes will proceed to the platform. Male athlete 1 will complete a snatch for max load. Male athlete 2 will complete a clean and jerk for max load. Athletes may attempt as many lifts as desired within the 8 minutes. 

Transition (8:00 - 9:00)

At 8:00 teams will have a 1-minute transition period to remove the men’s barbell and add the female’s barbell to the platform. 

Part B (9:00 - 17:00)

At 9:00, the female athletes will proceed to the platform. Female athlete 1 will complete a snatch for max load. Female athlete 2 will complete a clean and jerk for max load. Athletes may attempt as many lifts as desired within the 8 minutes. 

The following parameters are in place for this event:

  • Barbell will start empty for both athlete pairs. 

  • The non-working athlete may assist with loading the barbell. 

  • Athletes must declare which movement will be performed.

  • Attempts may be made in any order.

  • Only one athlete will be allowed to lift at a time. The resting athlete must remain outside of the yellow designated area until it is his/her time to lift.

  • Athletes may not switch lifts during the event.

  • The final lift must be completed by the time cap. 

  • For the lift to count, clips are required to be securely fastened on the barbell. The weights must be inside of the clips for the lift to count.

  • The designated platform area (marked by yellow lines) must be clear of all loose plates when a lift is in progress.

Important Notes

The non-working athletes will be required to wait behind either the start or finish line based on their designated lane assignments.

Athletes will not be allowed to touch the yellow line of the designated lifting area during the attempted lift. Touching the yellow line of the perimeter will be considered a no rep.

Movement Standards


The athlete will move the bar from the ground to overhead in one smooth motion. Stopping at the shoulder is not permitted. Power Snatch is allowed. The rep will be completed when the athlete stands up to full extension with the bar locked out overhead and both feet under the hips. The athlete may not touch the designated yellow platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Stepping on the yellow taped perimeter of their lifting area will result in an immediate no rep. The barbell will not be allowed to touch the head during the lift. The knees cannot make contact with or touch the ground either. Hang snatch is not allowed. Squat snatches are permitted. 

Clean and Jerk

The athlete will move the bar from the ground to the shoulder in one smooth motion. The athlete will then take the bar from the shoulder to overhead. Power variations are allowed. The rep will be completed when the athlete stands up to full extension with the bar locked out overhead and both feet under the hips. The athlete may not touch the designated yellow platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Stepping on the yellow taped perimeter of their lifting area will result in an immediate no rep. Hang clean is not allowed.

Team Event 2 - Toes to Pull


Presented by PrimePT

Location: Rig Stage

Rx Plus Division

3 Rounds For Time:

40 Synchro T2B (Any M/F Pair)

12 Worm Push Presses

15 Synchro BMU (Any M/F Pair)

12 Worm Push Presses

Rx Division

3 Rounds For Time:

30 Synchro T2B (Any M/F Pair)

10 Worm Push Presses

20 Synchro C2B PU (Any M/F Pair)

10 Worm Push Presses

Scaled Division

3 Rounds For Time:

20 Synchro T2B (Any M/F Pair)

8 Worm Push Presses

15 Synchro PU (Any M/F Pair)

8 Worm Push Presses


The score is for time (MM:SS.M). 

The time cap is 13 minutes.

If the team does not complete 3 rounds prior to the time cap, the team's score is CAP plus the remaining repetitions.


The event begins with all four athletes on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, a male/female pair will advance to the pull up bar and perform a total number of synchronized toe-to-bar (Rx+: 40, Rx: 30, Scaled: 20). The pair of working athletes must be a male/female pair. However, they may switch at any point until the total number of repetitions are accumulated. Any switching between athletes must take place at the start mat. Upon the completion of toe-to-bar repetitions, all four athletes will proceed to the Worm to complete Worm push press (Rx+: 12, Rx: 10, Scaled: 8). The athletes will then return to the start mat. Then any male/female pair of athletes will proceed to the pull-up bar. At the pull-up bar, the team will perform synchronized repetitions of their gymnastics movement (Rx+: 15 synchronized bar muscle-ups, Rx: 20 synchronized chest-to-bar pull-ups, Scaled: 15 synchronized pull-ups). Once again, the pair of working athletes must be a male/female pair. However, they may switch at any point until the total number of repetitions are accumulated. All four athletes will then return to the Worm to complete Worm push press (Rx+: 12, Rx: 10, Scaled: 8). The athletes will then advance, and drop the Worm and proceed to the pull-up bar to start their second round. The same pattern will continue for 2 additional rounds. Upon the completion of the final Worm push press (Rx+: 12, Rx: 10, Scaled: 8) in round 3, the team will drop the Worm and advance to the finish mat. Time is called when the last athlete crosses the finish line.

Important Notes

The non-working athletes must remain at the start mat. Any switching between pairs during the gymnastics movement must take place at the start mat. Non-working and working athletes may switch at any point. 

After Worm push presses are completed each round, all four athletes will return to the start mat. This will release any male/female pair to advance to the gymnastics movement.

Movement Standards

Worm Push Press

Each rep of the push press begins with the worm on the same side shoulders of all four athletes and finishes with the worm resting on the opposite shoulder. The worm must be moved by all teammates to the opposite shoulder at the same time and must be in contact with the shoulder simultaneously for the rep to count.

Toes to Bar

In the toes-to-bar, the athletes must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. All feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the heels must be brought back behind the vertical plane bar before initiating the next rep. Any part of the shoe may touch the bar for the rep to count. The synchro portion of the movement is when both athletes have both sets of feet touching at the same time.

Synchro Bar Muscle Ups

In the muscle up, the athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the bar, with the arms fully extended (with or without a false grip) and the feet off the ground. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through a portion of a dip and the elbows must be fully locked out while in the support position above the bar. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the bar is required. The athlete may not rest on the bar with any part of the body touching except the hands. The hands must remain on the pull-up bar at all times. The synchro portion of the movement is at the top of the muscle-up. If one athlete fails the other may wait at the top in a fully locked out position with hands remaining on the bar. 

Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups

This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar, below the collarbone. The synchro portion of the movement is when the chest is in contact with the bar. 

Synchro Chin Over Bar Pullups

This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground. At the top, the chin must clearly break the plane of the pull-up bar. The synchro portion of the movement is when the chin breaks the plane of the pull-up bar. 

Team Event 3 - Carpool


Presented by Atlantic Lift Truck

Location: Rig Stage

Rx Plus Division

4 Rounds For Time:

M/F Pair 1

12 Synchro Box Jump Overs (30/24)

8 Synchro Hang Snatches (135/95)

Directly into...

M/F Pair 2

12 Synchro Box Jump Overs

8 Synchro Hang Snatches

Directly into...

10 Worm Squats

Rx Division

4 Rounds For Time:

M/F Pair 1

12 Synchro Box Jump Overs (24/20)

8 Synchro Hang Snatches (115/75)

Directly into...

M/F Pair 2

12 Synchro Box Jump Overs

8 Synchro Hang Snatches

Directly into...

8 Worm Squats

Scaled Division

4 Rounds For Time:

M/F Pair 1

12 Synchro Box Jump Overs (24/20)

8 Synchro Hang Snatches (95/65)

Directly into...

M/F Pair 2

12 Synchro Box Jump Overs

8 Synchro Hang Snatches

Directly into...

6 Worm Squats


The score is for time (MM:SS.M).

The time cap is 15 minutes.

If the team does not complete the work prior to the time cap, the team's score is CAP plus the remaining repetitions.


The event begins with all four athletes on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep all athletes will proceed to the Worm. Once all athletes are at the Worm, male and female pair 1 will proceed to the box and complete 12 synchronized box jump overs (Rx+: 30”/24”, Rx: 24”/20”, Scaled: 24”/20”). Note that the male athlete will always use the taller box and the female athlete will always use the shorter box. After the couplet is complete, the male and female pair 1 must touch the Worm to signal the switch with male and female pair 2. Upon completion of the synchronized box jump overs, male and female athlete pair 2 will proceed to the barbell and complete 8 synchronized hang snatches (Rx+: 135/95, Rx: 115/75, Scaled: 95/65). Note that the male athlete will always use the taller box and the female athlete will always use the shorter box. Upon completion of the 8 synchronized hang snatches male and female athlete pair 1 will return to the Worm. Once the male and female pair 1 is at the Worm, then male and female pair 2 will proceed to the box and complete 12 synchronized box jump overs (Rx+: 30”/24”, Rx: 24”/20”, Scaled: 24”/20”) and 8 synchronized hang snatches (Rx+: 135/95, Rx: 115/75, Scaled: 95/65). Male and Female athlete pair 2 will then proceed to the worm where all 4 athletes will complete Worm Squats (Rx+: 10, Rx: 8, Scaled: 6). The flow will continue for 3 additional rounds. In Rounds 1-3 after all of the squats are completed, the Worm must be dropped touching the yellow line before the next round can begin. There will be no advancement of the Worm.  Upon completion of round 4, athletes will drop the Worm and proceed to the finish mat. Time is called when the last athlete crosses the finish line.

Important Notes

The non-working athletes must remain at the Worm. Switching between pairs must take place at the Worm. Touching the worm signals the switch between the designated pairs. Male and female athlete pairs must remain the same throughout the duration of the event. 

For athlete safety, rebounding box jump overs is strictly prohibited and step downs will be required. 

Movement Standards

Synchro Box Jump Over

In the box jump-over, there is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. A two-foot takeoff is required, and only the athlete's feet may touch the box. Step ups to the top of the box will not be allowed. The athlete will be required to step down to the other side. For athlete safety, rebounding is strictly prohibited. No hands can touch the athletes’ legs or provide assistance in the squat. Each rep is counted when the athlete lands on the ground on the opposite side. The synchro portion is when both athletes have landed on the ground. If either athlete receives a no rep, both athletes must complete another rep but they may continue from the side on which they no-repped. Both athletes must jump from and land on the same side of the box. 

Synchro Hang Snatch

Athletes are facing towards each other during this movement. This movement begins with the athlete deadlifting the barbell and then lowering to the hang position prior to snatching. The athlete may not lower the bar past the knees after dead-lifting the weight. The athletes will move the bar from the hang position to overhead in one smooth motion. Stopping at the shoulder is not permitted. Hang Power Snatch is allowed. The rep will be completed when the athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under hips. The athlete must stay within their designated lane and stepping on the lane will be considered a no rep. The synchro portion of the movement is at the top of the rep with both bars locked out overhead. The barbell will not be allowed to touch the head during the lift. The knees cannot make contact with or touch the ground either. Hang squat snatches are permitted.

Worm Squats

The movement begins with the worm on the athlete’s shoulders, and all athletes hips and knees fully extended. The worm must be on the same side for all 4 athletes. The athletes will squat down to below parallel and then proceed to stand tall as in the start position. No hands can touch the athletes’ legs or provide assistance in the squat. The synchronized portion of the movement is in the bottom of the squat and the extension at the top. 

Team Event 4 - Three of a Kind


Presented by Black Acres Roastery

Location: Platform Stage (Powered by 12 Labours CrossFit)

Rx Plus Division

For time:

10 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

20 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

30 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

40 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

50 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

- - - 

DB: 50/35

HS Walk: 200 ft (8 lengths)

Rx Division

For time:

10 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

150 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

20 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

150 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

30 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

150 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

40 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

150 ft. HW Walk (1 athlete)

50 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

DB: 50/35

HS Walk: 150 ft (6 lengths)

Scaled Division

For time:

10 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. Partner Wheelbarrow (2 athletes)

20 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. Partner Wheelbarrow (2 athletes)

30 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. Partner Wheelbarrow (2 athletes)

40 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)

25 Synchro Burpees Over Line (3 athletes)

200 ft. Partner Wheelbarrow (2 athletes)

50 Synchro SA DB Front Squats (3 athletes)


- - - 

DB: 35/25

Partner Wheelbarrow: 200 ft (8 lengths)


The score is for time (MM:SS.M).

The time cap is 22 minutes.

If the team does not complete the work prior to the time cap, the team's score is CAP plus the remaining repetitions.


The event begins with all four athletes behind the start line. At the sound of the beep, 3 athletes will proceed to the dumbbells and the non-working athlete will remain behind the start line. With one athlete per dumbbell, 3 athletes will begin 10 synchronized single arm dumbbell front squats. Please note the dumbbell layout will be set prior to the start of the workout and cannot be changed. The 3 athletes must have the dumbbell in the same hand for repetitions to count. Upon completion of 10 synchronized single arm dumbbell front squats, 3 athletes will begin 25 burpees over the line. 3 athletes will always work on the dumbbell front squats and burpees over the line, teams may switch the resting athlete as desired throughout the workout. The tag must occur behind the start line. Upon completion of 25 burpees over the line all athletes must cross the start line to then initiate the working athletes.

Rx+ Division

The team will complete 8 lengths of handstand walking in between rounds. In a relay style, each member of the team will perform 25 ft down until all 4 members reach the red finish line before heading back to perform 25 ft back. The work must be completed in 5ft unbroken segments. This means each athlete will be required to perform 2 lengths of handstand walking (not back to back) in between rounds. There is no requirement for keeping the same order of athletes.

Rx Division

The team will complete 6 lengths of handstand walking in between rounds with one working at a time. The work will be completed in 5ft unbroken segments. Athletes may switch on the handstand walk as desired. There is no minimum work requirement. 

Scaled Division

The team will complete 8 lengths of a partner wheelbarrow with two athletes working at a time. Athletes may switch on the handstand walk or partner wheelbarrow as desired. There is no minimum work requirement.

Upon completion of the handstand walk (Rx+, Rx) or partner wheelbarrow (Scaled), 3 athletes will proceed to the dumbbells for 20 synchronized single arm dumbbell front squats and 25 burpees over the line. The same flow will repeat for the rounds of 30 and 40 dumbbell front squats. Upon completion of 50 dumbbell front squats, all four athletes will set the dumbbells down and proceed to the red finish line. Time is called when the last athlete crosses the red finish line.

Important Notes

During the dumbbell and burpee movements, the non-working athlete must remain at the start line. Switching between athletes must take place behind the start line. 

For Rx+, when the working athlete completes 1 length, the next athlete is released. Once all 4 athletes get to the opposite site (finish line), they will all return back to the start of the HS walk.

For Rx, when three athletes are resting for the HW Walk portion, the resting athletes will remain behind the start line while the working athlete accumulates lengths of handstand walking. The switching of athletes must take place behind the start line.

For Scaled, when two athletes are resting, the resting athletes remain behind the start line while the working athletes accumulate lengths of a partner wheelbarrow. Switching of working athletes is permitted at any point during the partner wheelbarrow. However, switching of athletes with non-working athletes must take place behind the start line.

Movement Standards

Synchro Single Arm Dumbbell Front Squat

In the front squat, the hip crease must clearly be below the top of the knee at the bottom of the squat. The rep is credited when the athlete is standing tall, with knees and hips fully extended and elbows in front of the dumbbell. A squat clean may be used to perform the first rep, provided that the athlete’s hip crease passes below the top of the knee prior to standing. Synchronization occurs at the top of the movement when all athletes are standing tall with knees and hips fully extended and elbows in front of the dumbbell. The dumbbell must remain at the shoulder. For the synchro portion of this movement all athletes must straddle the yellow line with the dumbbell on the same shoulder.

The dumbbell may NOT touch or rest against the athlete’s head. A full grip around the handle of the dumbbell must be maintained for the duration of the squat. Resting the head of the dumbbell on the shoulders is allowed. Resting the handle of the dumbbell or the hands directly on the shoulder is NOT allowed. Releasing the grip on the handle and letting the dumbbell rest solely on the shoulder is not allowed.

All athletes must be facing the finish line the entire time. The hips must be oriented and face towards the finish line. Male athletes must use the heavier dumbbells (Rx+ and Rx: 50, Scaled: 35) and female athletes must use the lighter dumbbells (Rx+ and Rx: 35, Scaled: 25). 

Synchro Burpees Over Line

The athletes can jump or step back to lie on the ground. The chest and thighs must touch the ground at the bottom at the same time for all athletes (this is the only synchro aspect that will be judged). From this position, the athletes can step or jump to their feet. The athletes must all jump over the yellow line with a two-foot takeoff. The rep will be counted when all three working athletes successfully jump over the line. This means that athletes do not need to land at the same time on the opposite side of the line. If any athlete makes contact with the yellow line with their feet or hands while jumping this will be a no-rep and all athletes will need to repeat that entire movement. If a no rep is given, the athletes will not need to go back to the original side they were no-repped on. Athletes must place the dumbbells on the yellow line when performing this movement. 

Handstand Walk

The athlete must start with the hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) behind the yellow line denoting the start of the segment being attempted. If the athlete comes down at any time or exits their assigned lane, the athlete must restart from the last section completed. Hands may not touch the line on either side of the lane at any point. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must clearly cross the yellow line to earn credit for that segment.

  • Handstand/wheelbarrow walk must be completed in 5’ sections. 

  • There is NO minimum work requirement per athlete except for the Rx Plus Division.

Wheelbarrow Walk

The wheelbarrow athlete must start with the hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) behind the line denoting the start of the segment being attempted. The partner will assist the wheelbarrow athlete in progressing down the lane by holding up the working athlete’s legs. If the athlete comes down at any time or exits their assigned lane, the athlete must restart from the last section completed. Hands may not touch the outside of the lanes. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must clearly cross the yellow line to earn credit for that segment. If any other body part besides the hands touch the floor, this will be counted as a no rep.

Team Event 5 - Shake and Bake


Presented by LRX Apparel

Location: Rig Stage (Powered by Rogue Fitness)

Rx Plus Division

For time:

Part A (0:00 -10:00)

6 Rounds For Time (3 Rounds Each)

M/M Pair

18/15 Echo Bike Cals (2 stations)

F/F Pair

20 Shoulder to Overhead (1 station)

 - Then Switch - 


10:00 - 12:00

Part B (12:00 - 24:00)

5 Rounds for time:

1 Rope Climb (per athlete)

8 Worm Clean & Jerks

- - - 

Barbell: 155/105

Rx Division

For time:

Part A (0:00 - 10:00)

6 Rounds For Time (3 Rounds Each)

M/M Pair

15/12 Echo Bike Cals (2 stations)

F/F Pair

20 Shoulder to Overhead (1 station)

 - Then Switch - 


10:00 - 12:00

Part B (12:00 - 24:00)

5 Rounds for time:

1 Rope Climb (per athlete)

6 Worm Clean & Jerks

- - - 

Barbell: 135/95

Scaled Division

For time:

Part A (0:00 - 10:00)

6 Rounds For Time (3 Rounds Each)

M/M Pair

12/9 Echo Bike Cals (2 stations)

F/F Pair

20 Shoulder to Overhead (1 station)

 - Then Switch - 


10:00 - 12:00

Part B (12:00 - 24:00)

5 Rounds for time:

1 Rope Climb (per athlete)

4 Worm Clean & Jerks

- - - 

Barbell: 115/75


This event contains two separate scores:

Part A (100 points) - Total Time

Part B  (100 points) - Total Time

The time cap is 24 minutes.

If the team does not complete the work prior to the time cap, the team's score is CAP plus the remaining repetitions.


Part A (0:00 - 10:00)

The event begins with all four athletes on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, male athletes will proceed to the Echo Bikes to each complete their required number of calories (Rx+: 18, Rx: 15, Scaled: 12). Each athlete must complete the required Echo Bike calories individually and the work cannot be shared. At the same time, Female athletes will proceed to the barbell to complete their designated shoulder to overhead repetitions (Rx+: 20, Rx: 20, Scaled: 20). Pairs may split the shoulder to overhead as desired.Upon the completion of Echo Bike calories and shoulder to overhead repetitions, athlete pairs will switch stations. The switch occurs when both pairs are at the start mat. Male athletes will proceed to complete their designated shoulder to overhead repetitions (Rx+: 20, Rx: 20, Scaled: 20). Female athletes will proceed to the Echo Bikes to complete their required number of calories (Rx+:15, Rx: 12, Scaled: 9). The same pattern will continue for 2 additional rounds each. In the final round only, the Female athletes must wait at the start mat after completing the required Echo Bike calories until the Male athletes complete the required barbell repetitions before being released to cross the finish line; the Male athletes may proceed directly to the finish line once they complete the required barbell repetitions without returning to the start mat first. Time is called when the last athlete crosses the finish line. 

Transition (10:00 -12:00)

At 10:00 teams will have a 2-minute transition period to return to the starting mat.

Part B (12:00 - 24:00)

At 12:00, part B begins. Part B begins with all four athletes standing on the starting mat. At the sound of the beep, athlete 1 completes 1 rope climb then proceeds to the Worm. When athlete 1 touches the Worm, athlete 2 completes 1 rope climb then proceeds to, and touches, the Worm. The pattern continues until all 4 athletes have completed a rope climb. Upon completion of the rope climbs, athletes will complete Worm clean and jerks (RX+: 8, RX: 6, Scaled: 4). Upon completion of the Worm clean and jerks, all athletes return to the starting mat. Once all athletes are at the starting mat, round 2 begins. Upon completion of round 5, all athletes proceed to the finish mat. Please note that there is not a designated order for the rope climb movement. Athletes are permitted to change their order in any way they choose. Time is called when the last athlete crosses the finish line. 

Important Notes

For Part A, pairs will switch at the start mat. On the shoulder to overhead, the non-working barbell athlete must remain on the Dollamur mat under the pull-up bar. Switching between barbell athletes must take place on the Dollamur mat under the pull-up bar.

For Part A, in the final round only, the Female athletes must wait at the start mat after completing the required Echo Bike calories until the Male athletes complete the required barbell repetitions before being released to cross the finish line; the Male athletes may proceed directly to the finish line once they complete the required barbell repetitions without returning to the start mat first. 

For Part B, all athletes must return to the start mat before starting their work on the rope climbs. When the last athlete touches the start mart, that will signal the working athlete to start their first rope climb. After each rope climb is completed, the working athlete must then proceed to touch the Worm to release the next athlete.

Movement Standards

Echo Bike
The athletes may adjust the seat but not touch the monitor and must remain in the seat until the required calories are completed. The monitor will be reset between rounds by the judge.

Shoulder to Overhead
Each rep begins with the barbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead and over the middle of the body. A shoulder press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line. Each round, the barbell must begin on the ground. 

Rope Climb

The athlete will move to the top of the rope and touch the designated area on the crossbeam. The rep will be completed when the athlete reaches the floor. There is no requirement during the descent of the rope climb.

Worm Clean & Jerks

Each rep begins with the worm on the floor. All teammates must lift the worm to the shoulder in one smooth motion. The worm must be resting on the shoulder of all 4 athletes at the same time before the jerk portion begins. Each rep of the jerk begins with the worm on the shoulders and finishes with the worm resting on the opposite shoulder. The worm must be moved by all teammates to the opposite shoulder at the same time and must be in contact with the shoulder simultaneously for the rep to count. The worm then must go to the floor and all sections must be touching the floor simultaneously before starting the next rep.