Team Events
Check out the team events from 2022 MACC FEST.
Train with your teammates and make sure you select the appropriate division.
Team Event 1 - “OG”
8 Minute to Find - Males
1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean and Jerk
-1 minute transition-
8 Minute to Find - Females
1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean and Jerk
Time Cap: 17 minutes
At the sound of the beep both male Athletes will move onto the platform. One Athlete will complete a snatch for max load and one Athlete will complete a clean and jerk for max load. Athletes will be allowed as many attempts as they want within the 8 minute time cap. Athletes may not switch movements. Attempts are allowed to be made in any order. The lift must be completed by the 8 minute mark. At the 8 minute mark the men’s bar will be removed and the female bar will be placed on the platform. There will be a one minute transition. All athletes may assist in removing the male bar and loading the female bar. No lifts may be attempted during this time. At the 9 minute mark the female Athletes will then have 8 minutes to find a max lift for snatch and clean and jerk following the same structure. The workout will contain two separate scores; one score for total weight lifted by the male pair and one score for total weight lifted by the female pair.
Clips are required to be securely fastened on the barbell at all times for the lift to count.
The platform must be clear of all loose plates when a lift is in progress for safety purposes.
This event contains two separate scores:
Score 1 (50 points) - Total of heaviest Male Snatch + Male Clean & Jerk
Score 2 (50 points) - Total of heaviest Female Snatch + Female Clean & Jerk
Movement Standards
Snatch - The Athlete will move the bar from the ground to overhead in one smooth motion. Stopping at the shoulder is not permitted. Power Snatch is allowed. The rep will be completed when the Athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under hips.The athlete may not touch the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Hang snatch is not allowed
Clean and Jerk - The Athlete will move the bar from the ground to the shoulder in one smooth motion. The Athlete will then take the bar from the shoulder to overhead. Power variations are allowed. The rep will be completed when the Athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under the hips. The athlete may not touch the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Hang clean is not allowed.
Team Event 2 - “Saved by the Bell”
For time:
M/F Pair Relay
Round 1
4/3/2 Rope Climbs
16 Synchro C2B PU
32 Synchro Double KB Deadlift
Round 2
4/3/2 Rope Climbs
16 Synchro C2B PU
16 Synchro Double KB Hang Clean
Round 3
4/3/2 Rope Climbs
16 Synchro C2B PU
8 Synchro Double KB Hang Snatches
Rx Plus Division
Rope Climbs: 4
KB: 53/35
Rx Division
Rope Climbs: 3
KB: 53/35
Scaled Division
Rope Climbs: 2
Pullups: 12
KB: 35/26
Time Cap: 20 minutes
At the sound of the beep the first Male/Female pair will move to the rig and begin accumulating reps of rope climbs. When the required number of rope climbs have been completed, the pair will move forward to the pullup bar and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups (Rx+/Rx) or Synchro Pullups (Scaled). When the required number of reps have been completed the pair will move forward to the Kettlebells and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Double KB Deadlifts. When 32 Synchro Double KB Deadlifts have been completed the pair will move the Kettlebells forward one section and then move back to the rope and begin accumulating reps of rope climbs. When the required number of rope climbs have been completed, the pair will move forward to the pullup bar and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups (Rx+/Rx) or Synchro Pullups (Scaled). When the required number of reps have been completed the pair will move forward to the Kettlebells and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Double KB Hang Cleans. When 16 Synchro Double KB Hang Cleans have been completed the pair will move the Kettlebells forward one section and then move back to the rope and begin accumulating reps of rope climbs. When the required number of rope climbs have been completed, the pair will move forward to the pullup bar and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups (Rx+/Rx) or Synchro Pullups (Scaled). When the required number of reps have been completed the pair will move forward to the Kettlebells and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Double KB Hang Snatches. When 8 Synchro Double KB Hang Snatches have been completed, the pair will move to the finish line. When the first pair reaches the finish line the second pair will be released. The second pair will follow the same pattern as the first pair. When the second pair reaches the finish line time will be called.
Score is time.
Movement Standards
Rope Climb - In the rope climb, the athlete ascends the rope to touch the beam at the top. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. Control coming down is required. Athlete must touch the beam the rope is attached to, not the rope itself.
Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups - This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar, below the collarbone. The synchronization portion of the movement is at the top with both athlete’s chests touching the bar.
Synchro Pullups - This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chin must clearly pass above the horizontal plane the bar. The synchronization portion of the movement is at the top with both athlete’s chins above the bar.
Synchro Double KB Deadlift - Starting with the kettlebells on the floor, outside the feet, the athlete lifts them until the hips and knees reach full extension, and the head and shoulders are in line with kettlebells. The arms must be straight throughout. Touch-and-go is permitted, however no bouncing. The synchronization portion of the movement is at the top of the rep with both athletes standing tall.
Synchro Double KB Hang Clean - The movement starts with a deadlift with both kettlebells from the ground to standing. From here athletes may lower to a hang position, with the handles staying above the knees. The athletes will then proceed to bring the kettlebells to the front rack position, which is defined as the kettlebell touching the shoulder and elbows in front of the handle. The synchronization portion is at the top of the rep with both athletes standing tall, and all four kettlebells in the front rack position.
Synchro Double KB Hang Snatch - The movement starts with a deadlift with both kettlebells from the ground to standing. From here athletes may lower to a hang position, with the handles staying above the knees. The athletes will then proceed to bring the kettlebells overhead in one continuous motion - a KB clean and jerk is not allowed. The synchronization portion is at the top of the rep with both athletes standing tall, and all four kettlebells locked out overhead in line with their body.
Team Event 3 - “MACC FEST Mile”
For time:
400m Run (F/F Pair)
25/20/20 Burpees Over Worm (2 athletes)
25/20/20 Worm Squats
400m Run (M/F Pair)
25/20/20 Burpees Over Worm (2 athletes)
25/20/20 Worm Squats
40/30/30 Worm Push Presses
400m Run (M/F Pair)
25/20/20 Burpees Over Worm (2 athletes)
25/20/20 Worm Squats
400m Run (M/M Pair)
25/20/20 Burpees Over Worm (2 athletes)
25/20/20 Worm Squats
Rx Plus Division
25 Burpees Over Worm
40 Worm Push Press
25 Worm Squats
Rx Division
20 Burpees Over Worm
30 Worm Push Press
20 Worm Squats
Scaled Division
20 Burpees Over Worm
30 Worm Push Press
20 Worm Squats
Time Cap: 20 minutes
At the sound of the beep both female athletes will move to the end of the lane and begin the 400m run course. While the female athletes are running, the male athletes will accumulate reps of synchro burpees over the worm. When the females have completed the 400m run and the males have accumulated the required number of burpees, the team will move to the worm and begin accumulating reps of Worm Squats. When the required number of worm squats have been completed 1 male athlete and 1 female athlete will complete the run course while the remaining Male and Female athlete complete the required number of burpees. When both pairs have completed the required work, the team will move back to the worm and begin accumulating reps of Worm Squats. When the team has accumulated the required number of Worm Squats they will move the worm forward one section and begin accumulating reps of Worm Push Press. When the required number of Worm Push Presses have been completed the team will move the worm forward one section and then 1 male athlete and 1 female athlete will complete the run course while the remaining Male and Female athlete complete the required number of burpees. When both pairs have completed the required work, the team will move back to the worm and begin accumulating reps of Worm Squats. When the required number of Worm Squats have been completed, both male athletes will complete the 400m run course while the female athletes complete the required number of burpees. When both pairs have completed the required work, the team will move to the worm and accumulate reps of Worm Squats. When the required number of Worm Squats have been completed the team will move to the finish line where time will be called.
Score is time.
Movement Standards
Run - Athletes will progress on the course. Pairs are not required to stay together, however they are not permitted to leave the course.
Synchro Burpee Over Worm - The athletes can jump or step back to lie on the ground. The chests must touch the ground at the bottom AT THE SAME TIME for all athletes (this is the only synchro aspect that will be judged). From this position, the athletes can step or jump to their feet. The athletes must both, then, jump over the worm with a two-foot takeoff. If either athlete makes contact with the worm with their feet or hands while jumping this will be a no-rep and all athletes will need to repeat that entire movement. If a no rep is given, the athletes will not need to go back to the original side they were no repped on.
Worm Push Press - The rep begins with the worm on the same side shoulder for all four athletes. The worm will be brought overhead to the opposite shoulder using a push press (dip and drive) motion. Push jerking the worm is not allowed. The rep is complete when the worm is on the opposite shoulder of all four athletes with knees, hips, and shoulders in alignment. The arms do not need to reach full extension when the worm is lifted overhead but the entire worm must pass over the heads of the athletes.
Worm Squat - The movement begins with the worm on the athlete’s shoulders, and all athletes hips and knees fully extended. The worm must be on the same side for all 4 athletes. The athletes will squat down to below parallel and then proceed to stand tall as in the start position. The synchronized portion of the movement is in the bottom of the squat and the extension at the top.
Team Event 4 - “Hot Rod”
For time:
Team Relay - Any Order
24/16 Echo Bike Cals
15 Box Jump Overs
12 Power Cleans
Rx Plus Division
Box: 24/20
Power Clean: 185/125
Rx Division
Box: 24/20
Power Clean: 155/105
Scaled Division
Box: 24/20
Power Clean: 135/95
Time Cap: 16 minutes
At the sound of the beep the first athlete will move to the Rogue Echo Bike and begin accumulating Calories. When 24 calories (Males) or 16 calories (females) have been completed, the athlete will move to the box and begin accumulating reps of box jump overs. . When the athlete has completed 15 box jump overs, the athlete will then move to the barbell and begin accumulating reps of power cleans. When 12 power cleans have been completed the athlete will move to the finish line which will release the next athlete. The following athletes will complete the event in the same order. When the final athlete reaches the finish line time will be called.
Score is total time.
Movement Standards
Echo Bike - The athletes may adjust the seat but not touch the monitor and must remain in the seat until the required calories are completed. The monitor will be reset between rounds.
Box Jump Over - In the box jump over, there is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. A two-foot takeoff is required, and only the athlete's feet may touch the box. The athlete may jump on top of the box using a two-foot landing and then jump or step off to the other side, or the athlete may jump completely over the box. If jumping over the box, the feet must go over the box, not around it, and the athlete must use a two-foot landing. Each rep is counted when the athlete lands on the ground on the opposite side.If the athlete receives a no rep, they must reset to the same side to repeat.
Power Clean - The barbell will begin on the ground. A muscle clean or power clean may be used so long as the barbell comes up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended with the feet in line and the elbows in front of the bar. A squat clean is not not allowed.
Team Event 5 - “Upside Down”
For time:
35/25/25 Worm Thrusters
40’ Worm Lunge Down
2 Rounds - M/M or F/F
Pair 1: 40/30/20 Synchro T2B
Pair 2: Handstand Walk
40’ Worm Lunge Down
35/25/25 Worm Thrusters
Rx Plus Division
T2B: 40
HSW: 80’ Each - Waterfall Style
Rx Division
T2B: 30
HSW: 80’ total- may be partitioned between partners
Scaled Division
T2B: 20
Partner Wheelbarrow Walk: 160’ total - may be partitioned between partners
*Each athlete must complete 40’ prior to switching
Time Cap: 15 minutes
At the sound of the beep, the team will move to the worm and begin accumulating reps of Thrusters. When the required number of Worm Thrusters have been completed, the team will begin to lunge towards the rig. The team will start with all 4 athletes behind the RED line and end with all 4 athletes across the furthest RED line. When the team has completed the worm lunge, they will drop the worm. The Male/Male pair will move to the rig and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Toes to Bar. The Female/Female Pair will move to the YELLOW line and begin the handstand walk portion. When the Male/Male pair has completed the required reps of Toes to Bar and the Female/Female pair have completed the required Handstand Walk distance, the pairs will switch movements. The Male/Male Pair will then complete the Handstand Walk while the Female/Female Pair completes Toes to Bar. The Pairs will switch again- Male/Male does Toes to Bar; Female/Female does Handstand Walk. The pairs will switch one final time Male/Male does Handstand Walk; Female/Female does Toes to Bar.
The team will then move back to the worm and begin lunging. All 4 athletes will start behind the RED line and end with all 4 athletes across the furthest RED line. When the team has completed the required lunge distance, they will begin to accumulate reps of worm thrusters. When the team has completed the required reps of Worm Thrusters, the team will drop the worm and move to the finish line where time will be called.
Note on Handstand Walk - All movements are in 5’ unbroken sections.
Score is time.
Rx Plus Division
Waterfall style 40’ down and 40’ back.
Athlete 1 must finish entire 40’ section before athlete 2 can start.
Rx Division
40’ down and 40’ back.
One athlete working at a time and are permitted to switch at any point.
No minimum work requirement per athlete.
Scaled Division
Wheelbarrow walk.
40’ down and 40’ back twice.
No minimum work requirement per athlete.
Movement Standards
Worm Thruster - Each rep begins with the worm on the same shoulder for all athletes. The synchro portion of this movement is at the bottom of the squat. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position for all athletes before rising. At the top, each athlete's hips and knees must be fully extended as the worm is lifted over the athletes' heads. The rep is credited when the worm reaches the opposite shoulder for all athletes. The arms do not need to reach full extension as the worm is moved overhead.
Worm Lunge - Forward motion will only be allowed while the worm is being supported on the shoulders of the four teammates. On each lunge, the trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom. At the top of each step, the athletes must stand together with the hips and knees fully extended. If the knee does not touch the ground, or if the next step is initiated (or the weight is dropped) before fully standing up, the worm will need to be brought backward to where the previous step began. Once the athletes move past the marker and are standing tall, they can drop the worm. At no point may the direction of the worm be changed.
Synchro Toes 2 Bar - In the toes-to-bar, the athletes must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. All feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the heels must be brought back behind the vertical plane bar before initiating the next rep. Any part of the shoe may touch the bar for the rep to count. The synchro portion of the movement is when both athletes have both sets of feet touching at the same time.
Handstand Walk - The athlete must start with the hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) behind the line denoting the start of the segment being attempted. If the athlete comes down at any time or exits their assigned lane, the athlete must restart from the last section completed. Hands may touch the line on either side of the lane but may not cross into the adjacent lane. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must clearly cross the yellow line to earn credit for that segment.
Wheelbarrow Walk - The wheelbarrow athlete must start with the hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) behind the line denoting the start of the segment being attempted. The partner will assist the wheelbarrow athlete in progressing down the lane by holding up the working athlete’s legs. If the athlete comes down at any time or exits their assigned lane, the athlete must restart from the last section completed. Hands may touch the line on either side of the lane but may not cross into the adjacent lane. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must clearly cross the yellow line to earn credit for that segment. If any other body part besides the hands touch the floor, this will be counted as a no rep.
Team Final - “Mandy”
Team Event 6 - “Mandy”
For time - Team Relay
Rx Plus Division
MF Pair
21 Synchro Bar MU
21 Synchro Snatches (155/105)
90 DU each
MF Pair
Synchro Bar MU
Synchro Snatches (155/105)
45 each DU
*No DU on final set
Rx Division
MF Pair
21 Synchro Bar MU
21 Synchro Snatches (135/95)
70 DU each
MF Pair
Synchro Bar MU
Synchro Snatches (135/95)
35 DU each
*No DU on final set
Scaled Division
MF Pair
21 Synchro C2B PU
21 Synchro Snatches (95/65)
50 DU each
MF Pair
Synchro C2B PU
Synchro Snatches (95/65)
25 DU each
*No DU on final set
Time Cap: 15 minutes
At the sound of the beep Male/Female Pair 1 will move to the Rig. The athletes will then begin accumulating reps of their prescribed synchro gymnastics movement (Bar Muscle Ups for Rx+, Bar Muscle Ups for Rx, or Chest to Bar Pull Ups for Scaled). When 21 reps have been completed, both athletes will move to the barbells and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Snatches. When 21 Synchro Snatches have been completed, the pair will move to the Jump Ropes and begin accumulating reps. When the required number of reps have been completed (90 for Rx+ ; 70 for Rx; 50 for Scaled) the pair will move to the finish line, which will release Male/Female Pair 2. The second pair will move to the rig and begin accumulating reps of their prescribed synchro gymnastics movement. When the pair has completed 9 reps of the Synchro Gymnastics movement they will move to the barbells and begin accumulating reps of Synchro Snatches. When 9 Synchro snatches have been completed the pair will move to the jump ropes and begin accumulating reps. When (45 for Rx+; 35 for Rx; 25 for Scaled) have been completed the pair will move back to the rig to start their round of 7 synchro gymnastics movements, and 7 synchro snatches and then(45 for Rx+; 35 for Rx; 25 for Scaled) Synchro Double Unders , before ending with a final round of 5 reps of their gymnastics movement and 5 Synchro Snatches. When the final Synchro Snatch has been completed, the pair will move to the finish line where time will be called.
Movement Standards
Synchro Bar Muscle Ups - The rep begins with a hang below the rings with arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle up is acceptable, but pullovers, rolls to support and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the height of the bar during the kip. The rep is credited when the arms are fully locked out while the athlete is in the support position above the bar with the shoulders over or in front of the bar. Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip-to-lockout over the bar. Only the hands and no other part of the arm may touch the pull-up bar to assist the athlete in completing the rep. Once on top, the hands must stay in contact with the bar, and athletes must maintain support with their arms. Removing the hands and resting while on top of the bar is not allowed. The synchro portion of the movement is at the top of the rep, in a support position on the bar.
Synchro Chest to Bar Pull Ups - The rep begins at the bottom of the pull-up, with athlete’s arms fully extended. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The synchro portion of this movement is at the top of the rep, where both athletes’ chests must clearly come into contact with the bar at the same time, below the collarbone. If one athlete does not touch the chest to the bar, or if the athletes’ chests don’t touch at the same time, it is a no rep.
Synchro Snatch - The athletes will move the bar from the ground to overhead in one smooth motion. Stopping at the shoulder is not permitted. Power Snatch is allowed. The rep will be completed when the athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under hips.The athlete may not touch the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Hang snatch is not allowed. The synchro portion of the movement is at the top of the rep with both bars locked out overhead.
Double Unders - These are standard double unders. The jump rope will pass beneath the athletes feet twice per jump. The rope must pass forward. The athletes will both complete the reps simultaneously, but cannot move on to the next implement until both athletes complete their requisite number of reps.